Breaking News, Seattle, Washington – Most people do not know how to run!

Shocking but true, most people do not know how to run – properly – causing discomfort and running injuries that, for many if not most, can easily be avoided. Quite simply, many runners simply lace up the sneakers and take off without thinking about the biomechanical requirements of a proper running gait or the damage they may be doing to their lower extremities, especially their feet.

The podiatrists at the Foot & Ankle Center of Washington are nationally recognized experts in the biomechanics of the foot and are specialists in running related foot problems.

Why does running cause so many foot injuries?

As children, running begins quite naturally with the desire to go faster after learning to walk. Training and education of the proper form for running comes much later, if at all, and only then if we are performing athletics; specifically the sport of running. For most other sports however, running form is not taught at all, since it is considered secondary to kicking, shooting, or hitting a ball.

Learning an efficient and effective running gait requires coaching which most of us never receive. As a result, running injuries are very common and we see them frequently at our Seattle foot and ankle center. If you are looking to improve your running gait, a running coach should be employed. If your problem is biomechanical however, a visit to a foot and ankle specialist may be necessary to diagnose your problem and offer a solution.

Best treatments for biomechanical running problems

Beyond poor training and poor form, or overuse injuries such as shin splints, the most common reason for running injuries are biomechanical instabilities in the feet and ankles. These instabilities will cause the muscles, ligaments, and tendons of the lower extremities to work harder than necessary while running and can lead to injury, such as Achilles tendonitis, heel and arch pain, and plantar fasciitis. These conditions can be resolved quite well through the use of custom foot orthotics; specifically, our best orthotics for runners. Feel free to go here to discover why our orthotics work better.

If you are beginning to ask yourself the question, “How do I know if my running form is correct?” due to discomfort or pain while running, make an appointment with your Seattle podiatrist today at the Foot & Ankle Center of Washington for answers to all of your questions.

Dr. Douglas S. Hale

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2 thoughts on “How Do I know If My Running Form Is Correct?

  1. I have had plantar fasciitis for 6 years now. Now my doctor says its plantar fibromosis. My shoes tend to wear down on the outside heels. I have bought every kind of shoe from stability to motion control. Which shoe is best for keeping my running mechanics aligned properly? I always run with the sole heat moldable orthos which help me to still run but most of the time my feet start slipping and then shooting pains stop me dead in my tracks. I am constantly un-tying and re-tying my shoes to find the perfect fit for no pain. Any suggestions? I live in Indiana so I cant see your office. Is motion control shoe better for me than just stability?

    1. Hi Becky – First, it sounds like you have “plantar fasciosis“. Use the link to learn more about that problem and some of the treatment options. The Sole heat moldable arch supports are actually pretty good OTC devices, but they are often overly flexible and are probably not giving you enough support given the problems you are having. You can read here about how orthotics should be made to best treat plantar fasciitis.

      You really should get into see a podiatrist who specializes in orthotics and biomechanics. IF you are in northern Indiana you could see Dr. Bruce Williams. In Fort Wayne, Dr. Michael Worpell is also excellent.

      As far as running form goes, your best bet is to find a running coach. That is one of those things that can only be evaluated in person.

      Finally, in general motion control shoes are best for people with heel pain and plantar fascia problems, but it does vary depending on your foot type. Again that is something that can really only be evaluated in person. If you can look up one of the two podiatrists I mentioned.

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