Second Opinions on Foot and Ankle Conditions

We offer second opinions on foot and ankle conditions—from simple to complex.

What to Bring with you to Second Opinion Visit

  • Previous records and reports
  • X-rays
  • MRI or CT scans and reports
  • Orthotics and arch supports
  • Shoes that you commonly wear

Bring a Written Explanation and Timeline if You Have a Complicated History

If your foot condition has a long and / or complicated history please bring a written narrative and timeline explaining your history in detail. When a patient has a long term issue there often has been a lot of treatments tried and diagnostic tests already done. A written narrative and timeline can make it much easier for a new physician to get up to speed on your condition. This can make your visit much more efficient by giving your doctor a chance to learn your history quickly so we can spend more time on your examination and talking with you about treatment options.

Without a timeline half or more of your first visit may be used taking a history. In that case we often must schedule a follow-up visit to discuss our treatment recommendations.

Show Up Early to your Appointment

Please be sure to show up at least 20 minutes before your appointment if you have completed your new patient forms ahead of time. If you have not completed your new patient forms you must arrive 45 minutes prior to your appointment. If you are late we will not have as much time to spend with you.

Complicated Problems May Require More Than One Appointment

Keep in mind that if you have an extremely complicated history a second visit may be required regardless of whether or not you have written a timeline. Initial visits are scheduled for 30 minutes and we can’t ask other patients to wait past their appointment time. It is very important to us to see everyone on time so if your visit will run more than 30 minutes we will have to continue our discussion on a future date.

We commonly offer 2nd opinions on:

  • Complex foot and ankle conditions: Feet are complicated structures with many interconnnected parts. Dr. Huppin and Dr. Hale are s5experts in foot biomechanics and function and can help you determine why you are having foot or ankle pain.
  • Foot orthotics: We are exeperts in foot orthotic therapy and can determine if orthotics have potential to provide you with relief s11of your symptoms. If you already have orthotics we can help you determine if they were made correctly. If they are not absolutely correct for your feet we can often adjust them so that in many situations you don’t have to spend the money on new orthotics. If they can’t be modified in a way to give you adequate relief we can make new orthotics for you that will function to give you the best possible outcome.
  • Foot and ankle injuries: Many foot and ankle injuries tend to be under treated in urgent care clinics and emergency rooms. If you have c8suffered injuries such as ankle sprains or broken toes see us as soon as possible so we can ensure that you are getting the treatment that will allow you to heal the fastest with the least potential for long term complications.
  • Knee, hip and back pain: Some cases of pain in the knee, hips and back are caused by abnormal foot function. By no means is all (or even orthotics-for-knee-arthritismost) hip, knee and/or back pain due to foot and gait abnormalities, but there are certainly many cases where there is a connection. Through history, examination and gait analysis we can help you determine if your pain is secondary to your foot function and if there is a connection, offer you solutions.
  • Sports medicine issues: Athletes often have unique issues that include overuse injuries, training errors, shoe s1issues and biomechanical abnormalities. We treat athletes of all kinds including soccer players, runners, tennis players and skiers. If you have a sports related injury be sure to bring the shoes or boots you use for your sport.
  • Foot and ankle surgery: Everyone should get a second opinion on every elective surgery. s8Our first focus when providing second surgical opinions is to determine whether you actually need surgery. In almost every elective condition of the feet and ankles we consider surgery only as a last resort. If it is determined that surgery is an option for your treatment then we will help you determine the best procedure for your particular condition. There are often many ways to perform a particular surgery and each will have it’s own advantages and disadvantages. There are, for example, over a dozen common bunion surgery procedures. Only a few of them are likely best for a particular patient.
  • Gait and biomechanics issues: A common reason that many foot and ankle problems don’t respond to standard treatment is that the c6patient has abnormal foot or ankle “biomechanics”. This means that the foot simply isn’t functioning as it should. Dr. Huppin and Dr. Hale are both experts in foot biomechanics and gait analysis and can determine if your issue is complicated by biomechanical issues and then offer solutions to get you back to full activity as soon as possible.
  • Shoe recommendations: Wearing the correct shoe can play a significant role in eliminating foot and ankle pain. To the contrary, wearing thes7 wrong shoe or a worn-out shoe can actually lead to injury. After a complete evaluation of your feet and your gait we will make recommendations on specific shoes for your feet. You will leave with recommendations on the best athletic, dress and casual shoes for your feet. Be sure to bring to your appointment a selection of the shoes you wear regularly. You can download our recommended shoe list here.

For your second opinion contact us today for an appointment in our convenient office near downtown Seattle.

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